
Aeration Systems

High efficiency in microbial production.

Proprietary aeration systems

Vogelbusch has a wide portfolio of proven proprietary systems for a range of aeration requirements. We use static aerators and dynamic systems with agitators which have been developed for our own applications.

The appropriate system is selected on the basis of:

Aeration rates

Vogelbusch aerators deliver oxygen transfer rates (OTR) of 1 to 20 kg / m³h and more, depending on the selected system and process parameters.

Energy consumption

Our most efficient systems use only 0.25 kWh / kg of transferred oxygen; this energy-saving technology reduces running costs.

2 IP8Aerator
IP-8 Self-Priming Aeration

This dynamic system consists of a stator with leading function and an impeller type rotor. The rotating self-priming turbine produces tiny, uniformly-sized air bubbles, with large contact area and long residence time in the system for high oxygen transfer rates. 

The construction is rather simple, although its details have considerable effect on the efficiency. Developed for the fermentation of  » vinegar, it is easy to operate, and with very low energy consumption, it maintains the optimal conditions for the growth of vinegar bacteria in the fermentation tank.

2 EB4Aerator
EB-4 High Efficiency Aeration

The high efficiency aeration is a dynamic system which combines mechanical agitation and external air compression as construction elements. Air enters the agitator blades through a hollow shaft and is distributed to the liquid throughout the open rear side of the agitator blades.
This aeration system is one out of several that is used in the production of  » yeast.

IZ Deep Jet Aeration

In this aeration system a pump delivers the medium from the fermenter bottom to one or more pipe shafts that have a specially designed shaft head. From there, the medium falls down by gravity, sucking air from above, which mixes with the medium. The mixture impinges on the media surface as a bundled jet and penetrates to the bottom of the fermenter where it is distributed in such a way that both oxygen is introduced and the necessary turbulence is generated. 

One feature of the IZ system is its excellent defoaming property. It is typically used for fodder  » yeast production.

2 AirliftFermenter
Airlift Fermenter

Airlift or bubble column systems use static sparger systems. Distribution pipes with small-sized drilled holes evenly disperse the air at the fermenter bottom. Besides mechanical characteristics of the construction of the air pipe system and the properties of the mash, the oxygen transfer relates mainly to the quantity of air introduced and the height of the liquid column.

In its own processes Vogelbusch uses special sparger and nozzle systems for different applications e.g. in  » citric acid fermentation and in  » yeast production.

Porous Metal Spargers

By using porous metal this static sparger system provides an extended gas/liquid contact area. Smallest bubbles are created when the air is introduced into the liquid through tiny pores. Subsequently much higher performance levels in combination with significantly lower gas consumption rates can be realized.

With appropriate design, porous metal spargers can easily be cleaned or sterilized in-situ also during fermentation, as employed in » alcohol production.

Showcase projects for aeration systems


The Alcohol School

April 06 - 11, 2025 | Vienna, Austria
