
HFS Plants

Know-how and technology licensing.

Vogelbusch HFS Technology

High fructose syrup (HFS, or HFCS for high fructose corn syrup) in specified concentrations has a caloric value and sweetness similar to sucrose (table sugar). As a natural sweetener it is popular as liquid alternative to sucrose in the soft drinks and confectionery industry.

High glucose syrup, which is the feedstock for HFS production, is obtained from common starch plants such as corn, wheat, rice and cassava.

Starting out from starch milk, we design and supply production lines covering all process steps from the starch conversion through to final enrichment of the syrup.

For key figures for HFS plant construction
Block diagram

Vogelbusch process for fructose production from starch milk



Some of the glucose contained in high glucose syrup is converted to fructose and sold as HFS-42 or it is enriched to specified concentrations, such as HFS-55 and higher.

Clear substrate

The feedstock, high glucose syrup, is a clear substrate obtained from starch with a DE of 96 or higher (see glucose) which is already filtered, deashed and evaporated to desired concentration for conversion.


A portion of the glucose contained in the syrup is converted into fructose by an enzymatic conversion step called isomerization

To extend the lifetime of the enzymes, the ion content of the syrup is adjusted by addition of specific salts. This substrate then passes through columns that are filled with the immobilized enzyme isomerase, creating a glucose-fructose syrup also known as isoglucose, with a concentration of approximately 42 % fructose in dry matter substance.

Isomerization can be designed for contents up to 48 % fructose in dry matter substance, for instance for the production of high purity fructose products (HFS-98, crystalline fructose).

Enrichment to higher degrees

The isoglucose syrup undergoes a purification step including ion exchange and decolorization (for instance by activated carbon treatment). 

In a continuous chromatographic separation process, the isoglucose syrup is separated in a fructose-rich (90 % pure extract) and a glucose-rich (raffinate) fraction.

While the raffinate is recycled to the isomerization process, the extract is blended with isoglucose syrup to reach the desired content of 55 % fructose. After polishing of the solution in a mixed bed ion exchanger the product is finally concentrated to 77 % DS by multi-effect evaporation and marketed as HFS-55.

Alternatively isoglucose syrup can be concentrated by evaporation to 71 % DS and marketed as HFS-42.

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Product applications

Both HFS-42 and HFS-55 are commonly used in food, beverage and confectionery applications as in manufacturing the liquid product is easier to handle compared to crystalline sugar.

The extract from chromatographic separation can be marketed directly or processed further.

Typical applications are

  • Liquid sweetener with high fructose content
  • Manufacture of crystalline fructose
  • Intermediate product for biotechnological or catalytic processes which need very pure fructose (e. g. HFS-98)
1 grainprocessing
Biotechnological complexes

HFS is only one of many compounds in the starch sweetener and fermentation business.

Besides starch milk and sweeteners, grain processing facilities additionally can include the production of a whole range of valuable products and by-products such as

  • Dry native starch
  • Dry protein fraction (gluten)
  • Germ fraction
  • Dried and pelletized animal fodder
  • Modified starch and other upgraded starch products
  • Fermentation products

We understand the interaction among substrate, bioconversion, recovery and purification and can assist you in developing your complete grain processing project, from raw material selection through to the final product range. Contact us for:

  • Pre-engineering and feasibility studies including comparison of different product scenarios
  • Determination of the most suitable technical solutions and equipment for drying, filtration, evaporation, ...
  • System integration of all involved technologies (dry milling, wet milling, starch processing, product drying, ...)

More about  » Cross Integration Services

Average consumption figures for HFS production

All figures given here are typical and can vary depending on plant configuration and equipment.

Consumption for 1,000 kg final product
Starch kg 735
Steam kg 1,100
Power kWh 90

Consumption for 1,000 kg final product
Starch kg 680
Steam kg 780
Power kWh 70
Our HFS showcase projects


All information given here is typical and can vary depending on plant configuration. For particular information please send us a message with your project details.

Glucose syrups are produced in a two stage enzymatic process yielding mainly glucose and higher sugars, but virtually no fructose. Fructose syrups are produced subsequently by an enzymatic conversion of the glucose.

A production facility for HFS-55 can alternatively produce high DE glucose syrup, HFS-42 and basically also HFS-90 and HFS-98.

Manufacturing of the two last is limited by the chromatographic enrichment unit, which in this case can reach only part of the nominal capacity: up to 45 % of initial raw material need to be extracted to gain a stream mainly containing glucose and higher sugars to yield HFS-90 and HFS-98.

The recommended minimum economic capacity is in the range of 30,000 tpa of HFS-55.

Our plants are designed to produce HFS according to the ISBT standard (www.bevtech.org) which incorporates the quality requirements of the biggest beverage producers.

As in most cases glucose plants are connected to grain processing facilities, normally they are run with only one type of feedstock in form of the available starch milk. However, plants can also be designed to run on dry starch and in such case different types of native starch (e. g. wheat, corn, tapioca) can be processed with only minor adjustments of process parameter.

The technology for the production of starch is offered by specialized companies and is not part of the Vogelbusch service package.

Decisive factors for the location of the HFS plant are the same as for grain processing

  • Short transport routes for raw material & the final product
  • Availability of energy and water

The most suitable location is therefore next to a grain processing facility.

A small HFS plant excluding utilities can be placed in a building of approximately 80 m x 36 m x 18 m (L x W x H). Additionally, space for product storage according to ruling logistics has to be foreseen.



Capital expenditure always depends on plant capacity and configuration as well as local conditions. Costs for the process plant (excluding building, auxiliaries, infrastructure) are from euro 8 million upwards.

This figure is for general reference only since each project has its own particularities that need consideration. 

With permits on hand the engineering, delivery of equipment and construction takes 16 - 20 months depending on capacity and complexity of the plant.

Complete our design questionnaire (check Links & Downloads section below) and send it back to us to get a professional opinion on your project.

Process units

Find out more about the processes used in HFS production:

Enzymatic conversion of glucose into fructose.
Concentrating products and treating effluents.
Removing of ionic impurities and colors.
Ion exchange
Splitting up components of a solution.
Separating suspended particles.
Cleaning and product formulation.
Finishing of products and co-products.


Starch Convention & Bioethanol Technology Meeting

April 08 - 10, Detmold, Germany

Russia: Project progress at Rosva

Installation works are ongoing in Kaluga.
