
Organic Acid Plants

Sharing our knowledge and experience.

Technology for Organic Acid Production

Owing to their organoleptic, physiological and chemical properties, organic acids are employed in wide areas of application across various industries. Organic acids are common ingredients in food and beverage products, but are also basic components in the manufacturing of personal care products, plastics, detergents and in many other end-user industries.

On this page you can find out how organic acids are produced and how Vogelbusch can contribute to setting up an organic acid plant.

How are organic acids made?

Adapted microorganisms are used to transform carbohydrates from natural origin into organic acids. They are metabolic products of specific bacteria, yeasts and fungi, which can be cultivated in a range of substrates containing carbohydrates such as glucose, saccharose or ethanol. Following microbial conversion, the product is subject to isolation, purification and finishing steps on the basis of application.

Organic acid know-how and technology

Vogelbusch offers proprietary technology for the production of citric acid and acetic acid (vinegar) and has the process and engineering knowledge about all aspects of facility design and implementation.

With our accumulated company know-how we are also available to engineer plants applying your own or third party processes, for instance for lactic, gluconic, itaconic and ascorbic acid as well as amino acids.

Having detailed knowledge and insights into biotechnological processes, our specialists can evaluate available 3rd party conversion technology, scale it up to industrial levels or integrate it with our unit operations, to provide you with the end-to-end process from raw material to final product.

Your benefits at a glance
  • Producer-independent citric acid technology provider with engineering know-how
  • Acquainted with all relevant upstream and downstream processes
  • Plant designs based on customers' processes and our own bioprocessing technology
  • Experienced with integration of third party technology
Product qualities

Processes can be designed to switch raw materials as well as final product qualities.

Producer-independent proprietary technology

Powder and liquid forms including citric acid monohydrate, anhydrate, syrup and sodium citrate ...

Citric Acid Plants
Organic acid production facilities designed by Vogelbusch


We license our citric acid technology and provide engineering services from initial process design through to the start-up of the plant:

Relevant processes

Process steps involved in organic acid production include:

Project Development

How to turn your idea into a modern industrial bioprocessing facility

Find some guidance for the development of a manufacturing plant, illustrating the steps to be taken from the initial product idea to the operational facility:

MINDMAP Project Development
Services provided by Vogelbusch are marked with orange bars.

Questions? Check out our FAQs on the product pages

FAQ Citric Acid Plant

Complete our design questionnaire to enable us to give a professional opinion on your project

QUESTIONNAIRE Citric Acid Plant (.doc) 

What our clients say ...
Our expectations have been totally satisfied. It's been three years working at full capacity and we are very pleased with the work done on this plant.
Lic. Adrián Urquía, Promaiz S. A., Bioethanol Plant, Alejandro Roca, Cordoba, Argentina
5 logo alcohol school

The Alcohol School

April 06 - 11, 2025 | Vienna, Austria

Contact us
VOGELBUSCH Biocommodities GmbH

Blechturmgasse 11
1051 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 54 661-0
Fax +43 1 545 29 79
E-Mail: vienna@vogelbusch.com


24285 Katy Freeway, Suite 300-101
Katy, TX 77494, U.S.

Phone: +1 713 461 7374
E-Mail: office@vbusa.com
Website: www.vbusa.com


Flat A, 6/F, Beauty Mansion,
69-71 Kimberley Road
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong, PR China

Phone: +852 2314 3030
Fax +852 2314 0369
E-Mail: hongkong@vogelbusch.com
