
Modular Concepts

Easy to install, pre-assembled systems.

Modular, skid-mounted systems

For simple installation and reduction of field erection time and costs, Vogelbusch can supply pre-assembled packages that are custom-engineered to client specification. 

Our versatile skid-mounted designs are compact, easy to install, and require minimum field connections.

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Custom-built distillation and dehydration systems

Depending on plant capacity, the systems are supplied either skid-mounted or in pre-assembled modules that are piped, wired, and fully tested before shipment.

On site, the components are reassembled and erected. After connections to the client’s utilities (steam, electrical, cooling water, instrument air, etc.) are complete, the system is commissioned.

Complete process unit in modules

Each modular system is designed as a complete process unit and is pre-fabricated to the maximum extent possible so that the time and cost to the customer for field installation is minimized. 

The typical modular system will include all needed process equipment such as columns, vessels, heat exchangers, pumps as well as field instruments and automation system, all mounted (where practical) within structural steel framing.

This structural steel framing serves as a shipping support and is laid out to provide access to the equipment both during normal operation and for maintenance. 

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Our skid-mounted units can be supplied to handle feeds starting from a few liters per minute. The units are designed on the basis of standard industrial components and are a perfect solution for pilot and demonstration plants, for instance for ethanol recovery from proprietary second generation processes. 

Module designs are the choice for

  • Distillation and/or rectification plants with capacities up to 100,000 liters per day
  • Dehydration plants with capacities up to 400,000 liters per day
Showcase projects for modular supply packages


The Alcohol School

April 06 - 11, 2025 | Vienna, Austria

FEW - International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo

June 09 - 11, Omaha, NE, U.S.
